Well friends, it has been far too long since I've written here, and you have my sincerest apologizes. But, that being said, I am very excited to start writing again, and you should be seeing posts very regularly this summer!
How have I been doing with living my simplified lifestyle, you may ask? Well, there have been ups and downs for sure, but I have definitely done my best to maintain my motto - "keep it simple". It really does make life so much easier!
(As a quick update, I am now studying at West Coast Baptist College, in LA County, and loving the new experiences I am gaining out west! I'm sure I will tell you more about those adventures in the near future.)
Now to get to the "meat" of my post today... I have been thinking much lately about the concept of "abiding". In the fast-paced, microwave mentality of society today, do we really take time to abide in anything? To simply stay, remain, or continue in something of worthwhile value?
I know personally, I am always looking for ways to save time, save money, and increase efficiency. My to-do list seems to be a mile long, and I thrive off of being productive and intentional with my time. But do I take the time to focus on God as I should? Do I really abide in Christ daily?
Allow me to share with you a short excerpt from a book I am currently reading that gave me a blaring reminder of the importance of abiding in Christ:
"What if, for one day, Jesus was your shadow? How would you act? What would you say? Would you ask His help as you started tasks? If you made a decision, would you seek His advice? If you came across someone you knew, would you introduce Him as your Savior? If your current prayer life translated to conversation, how long would it last?"Wow. As I thought about what my answers to these questions would be, I realized that I was sorely lacking in my relationship with Christ. He wants my most valuable resource - TIME. And how could I not give it to the One who loves me, died for me, and wants to spend His time with me?
I am realizing more and more each day what peace and pleasure there is in spending time with Christ. Not only has my soul recognized the joy it brings, it has realized the need created in my heart for time with Christ. I feel a longing desire to abide with Christ everyday, and to fashion my life after His example. I know I fail to do that perfectly every day, but a girl can dream, right?
Please understand that I realize a person cannot spend hours in prayer and Bible study every day, no matter how much they would like to. But it is easy to abide in Christ when you start your day in His Word, and mediate on what you've read throughout the day. Instead of constantly checking Facebook or Instagram when you have a free minute, why not read your Bible app, or look at a flashcard app filled with verses that keep your mind on the things of God?
I'm REALLY preaching to the choir here, and feel like quite the hypocrite! I often waste time on social media, or neglect to make time for God in the morning. So please don't think I'm perfect -- I'm far from that! But I want to encourage myself to be more intentional with my time, and I hope this is a challenge to you to do the same!
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