30 Before 30

I hope my life will always hold new experiences, and that I will continually be learning and growing. I want the next ten years of my life to be full of time spent with family and friends; building and strengthening those relationships. I want to spend time traveling, seeing all sorts of new places and enjoying new adventures. And I want to spend time learning new skills, becoming a more cultured person, and widening my knowledge of the arts.

Because of those desires I have written this list. Some of my goals are meant to keep things fun. Others are more serious goals that will hopefully keep me growing and maturing. Please enjoying reading through this list, and I hope it will inspire you to make your own!!!

30 things to do before I turn 30

#1. Travel in Europe. Anywhere. Just go.

#2. Play guitar better – know chords, be able to play hymns for small services (teen class, dorm devos...)

#3. Go skydiving.

#4. Learn to whistle with my fingers.

#5. Visit the Art Institute of Chicago. [Nov. 1st, 2014!!!]

#6. Try escargot.

#7. Go hiking/camping in the Rocky Mountains.

#8. Read “That Printer of Udells”. [April 12, 2015]

#9. Learn how to surf.

#10. Eat a Tofu burger. [Jan. 20th, 2014]

#11. Have a beach bonfire/camp-out.

#12. Take fencing lessons.

#13. Paint at least 7 paintings – oil, acrylic or watercolor.

#14. Take a class on Typography.

#15. Learn Italian. Even if I’m not super fluent, just learn some of the language!

#16. Build a website for my business (may need to get some help from the broski).

#17. See the Grand Canyon WITH MY OWN EYES!!! [August 27th, 2016]

#18. Take a shopping trip to the Mall of America. [May 16th, 2014]

#19. Log at least 5,000 miles on my Fuji Crosstown Hybrid bike.

#20. Finish my undergrad – online or on campus.

#21. Spend some time in Seattle, Washington.

#22. Design at least five of my own purse patterns.

#23. Visit a friend in Alaska. =]

#24. Be a consistent gardener who grows fresh produce and herbs every summer.

#25. Create an Instagram account once I finally get a hand-held device that takes decent pictures. [Sept. 2nd, 2014]

#26. Shoot a monster buck while hunting with my daddy.

#27. Do a Color Run!

#28. Go to an Andrea Bocelli concert.

#29. Be in FOUR places at once! =o [August 27th, 2016, Four Corners, USA]

#30. Take a trip to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.

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