
After hearing about my passion for a simplified lifestyle, some of my readers have wanted to hear my background story; the story of how I became the person I am today. Even though I hope I am becoming a better person with a stronger character every day, I am happy to share my life story with you!

I was born in Munster, Indiana, but I wouldn't call myself a Hoosier since my family moved to South Carolina shortly after that. I loved growing up in the gorgeous city of Greenville, South Carolina! I remember a huge magnolia tree that was in our front yard, and how fun it was to climb it. My brother and I would often climb to the tip-top, and there was a perfect little spot to see the road through the branches. We would climb up there and watch whenever we knew friends or family were driving over for a visit.

When I was six or seven my family moved back to Wisconsin, to be nearer my grandparents, and for the first few months we actually lived on their Beefalo farm! We soon found our own house in a city not too far away, but I loved that farm so much, and have many happy memories of climbing hay bales, hunting for eggs, riding my horse, finding kittens in the straw, helping Grandpa in his farm market, picking lilacs, and growing vegetables in the garden. The list could go on and on, but I'll stop for now.

After a few years, we moved to a small lake town, and I have been completely in love with that little village ever since! I don't think that I can describe my quintessential hometown in a way that would do it justice, but I will try to give you a better picture of it through different posts on my blog. For now, let it suffice to say there are quaint gift shops, a first-rate florists shop, a few fancy restaurants and cafes, enjoyable parks, a small art gallery, several ritzy resorts on the lake, and a wonderful beach that I love to spend many summer days on (an afternoon out boating or kayaking on the lake is lovely too!). We get quite a few tourists in the summer that call my hometown their "little slice of heaven". I'm quite fond of it, and miss it sorely when I'm gone. Thankfully I'm close enough here at school that I can often go home for the weekends, and sometimes bring friends home to show them around too!

There are so many more things I could say about my life, but I'll save that for another day. This bio would not be complete though, if I left out the most important event in my life. This event was the day I realized that I was a sinner, and that I need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive me of those sins, and accept his free gift of salvation. I trust in Christ alone for my salvation, and believe that he is the only way to eternal life in heaven. I have been given more than I could ever deserve in this life, and yet God's blessings are new and abundant every day. May I always live a life that praises him, and gives him glory in all that I say and do.

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