
I can already feel it. That excitement in the air. It's the week of Christmas, and that special time is only 2 days away! Even though I'm almost 21, I definitely still act like a child at Christmastime.

I feel like something extra special is happening this Christmas. The older our family gets, the more I cherish these holiday times together. And as much as I'm looking forward to opening the presents under the tree with my name on them, I'm even more excited to give the gifts I found this year for my family! Does that mean I'm getting old???

But the most important thing about Christmas, is the fact that Jesus sent his only Son to be born in a dirty, dingy stable. This thought blows my mind! He could have been born in the most ornate of palaces, but instead, He chose to be born in a stable, with only shepherds to worship His birth.

Why would He do such a thing? Why would He chose such a humble birthplace? I'm no theologian, so I can hardly begin to answer these questions. The only answer I can give is that God's plan is perfect, and His love is mighty. And I am infinitely thankful that God did chose to do these things, and that I can have eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Today I'll keep things short and sweet. Simple. I hope you all have a marvelous Christmastime with your families! I hope that you can enjoy your time together with holiday traditions, and exchanging of gifts. And I hope you remember the true reason we celebrate Christmas!

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