Monday, March 31, 2014

"The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring..."


I don't know where you live, but here in Wisconsin it seems as though winter will last FOREVER! Only in these last few weeks of March has it seemed to get a little warmer, but I heard that this weekend it's supposed to plummet back down into the twenties...

Thankfully, the Lord always provides ways to brighten up our cold and gloomy days, whether they're that way literally or figuratively. All we have to do is be constantly searching with a positive spirit for those things!

Lately my mom and I have found one of those simple little blessings almost weekly on our trips to the grocers. We've started bringing home bouquets of flowers that bloom in the spring, and those small flowers do so much to brighten up our home!

Their faint smell is oh-so-delicious when you walk into the room, and each beautifully crafted petal reminds me of the amazing God who cares about making something as simple as a flower. Yet while I think of flowers as simple blessings they are incredibly complex in design.

Isn't that a lot like Christ's love for us? Through one act of simple love - His death on the cross - the Lord completely changes the lives of those who accept His sacrifice. Incredibly complex, yet wonderfully simple. It's almost unbelievable how those two opposites work together in Christ's love.

Please don't think me terribly sacrilegious for comparing God's love to flowers. =) This post is to encouraging you to see Christ's love in everything around you, and for you to be thankful for it. God is the giver of gifts, and every good and perfect thing comes from Him.

Oh how amazing it is that He loves and blesses us though we deserve absolutely nothing.

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